Not only will you be mesmerized by how appealing the temples are, you will absolutely appreciate the beliefs and practices of your spouse’s culture as well.
Here is a list of Thai Temples in the UK That You Can Visit and Explore
1. The Buddhapadipa Temple
This temple is actually the first Buddhist Temple in the United Kingdom. It was established by the London Buddhist Temple Foundation with their aim to construct a place for the distribution of Buddhist teachings in Europe, and they were successful in pursuing their aim. This temple is presently located at Calonne Road, Wimbledon Parkside in London.
2. Amaravati Buddhist Monastery
The residents in this temple consist mainly of monks, nuns, male and female postulants who strictly live in celibacy with the guidance of volunteer support staff. The temple is located in Great Gaddesden, in the Chiltern Hills, near Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, England.
3. The Santiwongsaram Temple
This temple is popularly known for its aim of imposing prayers for the general public in Birmingham who would want to know more about Buddhism. It is located at Handsworth Wood, Burmingham. You will definitely enjoy the scenery surrounding the temple.
4. Wat Pah Santidhamma
This temple is also known as the Forest Hermitage and is located in the heart of England and it is small yet a very amicable temple, and occasional events are open to the public in Santidhamma, where the monks live. They also have the Bhavadhamma which is for the female devotees, nuns and guests.
5. Cittaviveka, Chithurst Buddhist Monastery
The resident of this monastery mainly consists of monks, nuns, novices and some lay guests. It is a part of the lineage of the Thai Forest Tradition of Theravada Buddhism. Its location is at Chithurst, Petersfield Hampshire.
6. The Buddhavihara Temple
This temple consists of monks, and what’s special about them is that they give talks or symposiums to school children and universities. They discuss about what Buddhism is and the monks’ lifestyle as well.
Some religious groups also invite the monks to perform meditation in big cities for example, Cambridge and Manchester, to mention some. It’s a learning experience too!
7. Wat Buddharam
This temple is known for its tranquility and security. Many visitors of this temple say so, since it is situated in a normal suburban house. Hence, you can naturally feel the secretive aura of the place.
8. Wat Phra Singh
This sacred place actually houses approximately 700 monks. This means that this temple is reasonably large. It has its own large and small assembly halls; you also have to consider how admirable and appealing the art of the temple is.The temple also has its own monastic library. The most important part of this sacred monastery is its very own Phra Singh or the Lion Buddha which lay radiantly inside the temple.
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