Let me be perfectly blunt.
While the tourist areas of Thailand are loaded with beautiful Thai women –
Here are the Risk Should be Avoided When You Are in a Relationship with a Wrong Thai Woman
- There are lots of scams, cons and heartbreak waiting for you there if you’re not careful. If the only Thai women you ever meet are those hanging out or working in the popular tourist areas, you are exposing yourself to predatory businesswomen whose only motivation is to get their hands on your cash.
- The least dangerous of these will simply befriend you and talk you into buying them drinks or paying them for sex. Some will ask you directly for money or “necessities” to help them out. “Necessities” might include a cell phone, a visit to the doctor, or payment for a class or course of study to help them “change their life.” Others will execute a carefully-plotted long-term strategy.
- They’ll charm you, insist they love you and want to marry you. Then once you’ve married them, helped them get a green card or visa, built them a house, helped their family, paid for their education — and run out of resources — they’ll be off like a shot, on to the next mark. And you won’t see it coming. They’re professionals. And they’re that good. The best possible outcome is that you’ll just end up heartbroken and a bit lighter in the bank account.
But there are plenty of unsuspecting men who’ve had their lives destroyed by their own naiveté at the hands of one of these women.The Internet is full of horror storieslike that. Many of them boil down to misunderstanding cultural differences. But more likely, problematic and terminal, is that the man got involved with the wrong sort of woman in the first place.
- The majority of these horror stories begins in bars, clubs, go-gos or massage parlors…and spiral rapidly downhill from there.It’s about “fishing in the wrong pond” and choosing the wrong Thai woman from the start.
You’ll never find a perfect life partner if you’re looking in the “wrong pond” to begin with. I’m here to help you protect yourself by making sure you keep your eyes wide open.
I’m here to help you educate yourself about the potential tricks, traps and scams – and look for your Thai bride where you’re most likely to find her.
Our company, Meet Me Now Asia, will put you in touch with countless single and genuine Thai women who are looking for marriage and for a man who will join them in Thailand.
We offer the option to meet pre-screened serious women who are looking for a real relationship, not to take your money. You can try our customized dating events where you can meet lovely, trustworthy Thai single.