An Inspiring Short Story of A Thai Farmer
“Once upon a time in the Kingdom, there was a farmer with a cow named Nan-Ta-Vi-Sal, whose job was to help the farmer harvest rice. One morning Nan just stood there, and would not move. There didn’t seem to be anything wrong with him — he looked absolutely normal – he just would not move. The farmer began shouting at Nan over and over again, instructing him to get moving and get on with his work. The louder the farmer shouted, the more Nan just stood there – doing nothing.
Frustrated, the farmer began to hit Nan, trying to push him and force him to get on with his work – but still Nan would not move. A neighbor hearing the shouting, hurried over to see if he could be of help.
When he saw that Nan was “dug in,” and would not move, in spite of being hit and shouted at by the farmer, the neighbor touched Nan gently on the back, and began speaking softly and politely in his ear, saying gently, “Nan, we need to harvest the rice so we can all eat, and we can’t do it without your help. Won’t you please help the farmer and start working now? I’m sure if you do, he will stop shouting.” At the gentle touch, soft voice, and polite request, Nan slowly began to move and started his long working day…”
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