American men and women get married every day. In fact, current estimates suggest that up to 90 percent of all American singles have been married at least once by the age of 50.
Unfortunately, approximately 50 percent of those first marriages end traumatically in divorce. For those who marry again, the divorce rate is even higher.
Is Western marriage broken? It would seem so. Perhaps this is why so many Western men are now seeking a life bride who is from a country other than their own birth country. As it turns out, marriage ideals in other countries are often different and also more conducive to a healthy, happy, lifelong partnership.
In this article, learn about the best countries around the world for Western men to seek out a traditional Thai bride to meet and marry.
Best Countries To Seek A Wife
Many Western guys are simply sick and tired of the superficial Western dating scene. They feel like they have wasted so much time and money and life on the wrong women.That is why these countries – and not the United States – are rated the best countries in the world for Western men to seek out a wife!
This is a list of the overall best countries, regardless of continent. Then read on to learn about the top countries on each continent for selecting a wife.
These are the five best overall countries to look for a wife as a guy from America:
1. Russia
2. The Philippines
3. China
4. Thailand
5. Colombia

Top Asian Countries To Find A Wife
Asia is both the largest of the planet’s seven continents (accounting for approximately 30 percent of global land mass!) and also the one with the most people living there.Asia itself is sectioned into six regions: North Asia, South Asia, South-East Asia, West Asia, East Asia, Central Asia.
Within Asia, Asian Russia, Thailand, and China are considered the top countries for meeting a lovely and elegant life mate who is eager to settle down, start a family and enjoy a long life of close partnership in a traditional marriage.
Here are the top ten countries within the continent of Asia where you can look for a wife as a guy from America:
1. Russia
2. China
3. Thailand
4. Laos
5. Mongolia
6. Indonesia
7. Taiwan
8. Cambodia
9. Vietnam
10. India

Top European Countries To Seek A Wife
Europe might be tiny compared to Asia, but as the sixth largest continent, it packs a punch in terms of how many countries it can cram into its relatively small land mass.Europe itself is divided into six regions: Scandinavia, the British Isles, Central Europe, South Europe, West Europe, East Europe, South-East Europe.
Russia is one of the best countries in Europe to seek out a compatible life mate, since Russian women are adventurous and educated, with many speaking more than one language.
Here are the top ten countries within the continent of Europe where you can look for a wife as a guy from America:
1. Russia (Russia overlaps between the continents of Asia and Europe)
2. Estonia
3. Latvia
4. Poland
5. Ukraine
6. Belarus
7. Moldova
8. Lithuania
9. Slovakia
10. Finland
Top African Countries To Seek A Wife
As far as continents go, Africa ranks just behind Asia as the largest in terms of both land mass and population. Where Asia covers It is a huge draw for entrepreneurs, archeologists, adventurers and others who are fascinated by its purported role as the birthplace of all humanity.Africa is divided into six regions: North Africa, South Africa, Central Africa, West Africa, East Africa, Indian Ocean Islands. Of these six regions, South Africa, East Africa and the Indian Ocean Islands are currently the safest and easiest countries to travel to and visit as you seek out your beautiful wife.
Here are the top ten countries within the continent of Africa where you can look for a wife as a guy from America:
1. South Africa
2. Nigeria
3. Ghana
4. Kenya
5. Ethiopia
6. Tanzania
7. Ivory Coast
8. Botswana
9. Zambia
10. Mozambique
Top North American Countries To Find A Wife
The continent of North America ranks as the third largest continent on the planet. It includes the United States, Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean Islands, Central America and the large island of Greenland.This fascinating area of the world has found itself in the international spotlight chiefly for the prominent role the United States continues to play in international politics and economic matters. Canada and the United States in particular rank highly among the top 25 countries with the highest per capita income.
However, this has not traditionally made either country an ideal place to seek out a wife. Canada is slightly preferable to the United States because of the Canadian government’s traditionally welcoming reception to ex-patriots seeking citizenship or simply asylum from political turmoil in other countries.
Mexico and the West Indies (Caribbean Islands), however, are both wonderful places to look for a wife if you are a single guy from America. As well, the smaller countries that make up Central America have much potential.
Here are the top ten countries within the continent of North America where you can look for a wife as a guy from America:
1. Mexico
2. Guatemala
3. Belize
4. Nicaragua
5. Honduras
6. El Salvador
7. Costa Rica
8. Panama
9. West Indies
10. Canada
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