Things You Should Learn About the Role of Thai Women in Society
Despite the influence of globalization, Thailand remains to be a conservative country. So, when dating or marrying a Thai lady, do not expect your girl to be an equivalent of the women in your native US. Here are essential points you need to keep in mind:
- Because Thailand is fundamentally a hierarchical and Buddhist society, women are generally regarded as inferior to men. This entails that they do not have the same positions or rights as men do. Therefore, you cannot expect them to participate actively in society in the same way American women do.
- Women in Thailand are greatly valued and respected. So, sex before marriage is greatly frowned upon, and is not a normal occurrence. Even a public display of affection is discouraged. Even if this sounds not relevant to you, do take this seriously by avoiding talking about sex or romance casually to Thai locals. In this way, they will respect and regard you highly despite of you not being one of them.
- Thai women are expected to take care of the family and their husband. Although many Thai ladies these days are climbing up the corporate ladder and are providing for their family, they are still expected to do their duties in their family. Remember, they belong second to men in the Thai society hierarchy so despite of being breadwinners, they are still expected to serve other members of their family.
- Women are expected to set themselves as a good example for others. The King himself propagated an idea on how a Thai woman should be like. In some of his literary works, he suggested that women should have good manners, be able to cook and take charge of various household chores, and be educated, sharp-witted, and responsible.
The King had actually passed many laws and programs aimed at promoting the welfare of women. So today, Thai women find themselves in a very favorable position in the Society.
The Thai culture is unique in itself and the role of women in Thai society is largely different from those in the US and the western world. So, it is important that you know what you are getting yourself into before proposing in order to ensure the success of your marriage. In addition, when you have a good understanding of their culture and traditions, you are more likely to enjoy staying in Thailand for good.
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