Are You Going to Take the Risks?

Sometimes it can seem like our smart phones run our lives now. One study states that the average person will check their phone 110 times per day!

Even for people who don’t use their phones for browsing, reading the news or watching videos, the average person will still check their phone at least 23 times per day for messaging and 22 times for phone calls. And we wonder why some experts (and many exhausted singles) say technology has killed human relationships. This opinion is so widespread there is even a new term for it now – “pubbing.” This term is a mashup of “phone” and “snubbing” and it means you snub your partner in favor of your phone. Ouch! Maybe it is time for a return to less modern relationship tactics. Having the chance to go out on a real date, where there is real conversation, real connection and a real chance for lasting happiness can remind you how good real human connection can feel and restore your faith in romance, love and life-long partnership.


Why Traditional Dating Trumps Digital “Dates”
It is true that face to face dating can be scary. So sure, it can be comforting to spend a few minutes texting or chatting by phone before you meet up in person. But when the use of smart phones turns into an excuse to never have to tackle those very normal human fears in hopes of meeting someone who could be “the one,” the person who loses the most is YOU. Spending all your time texting or video chatting or talking on the phone robs you both of the chance to, at the very least, make a new lifelong friend. But the real payout of showing up for an in person date is much bigger – you might just find your soulmate at last! This is why services such as Meet Me Bangkok are finally enjoying a well-deserved surge in interest. Such services combine the convenience of digital dating profiles with the personalized touch of a traditional matchmaker to help you spend the least time on your phone and the most time meeting high quality new friends and potential partners.

Why Not Take Some Help in Finally Making That Special Connection?
There is nothing inherently wrong with digital dating – that is not at all what we are saying here. Digital dating done right can win big points for convenience plus give you lots of options to explore. After all, you are trying to find your life partner! Taking some time to review what different possible partners may have to offer is smart! But when looking for a potential mate begins to take over your life, and you are always checking your phone, worried if someone got your text and, if so, why they are not responding, or dealing with possible mates who are interested in you when you are not interested in them, well, it can quickly become overwhelming. Plus, dating is not the only thing you have going on in your busy life! So why not take some help from the experts at Meet Me Bangkok, who can support you to find a possible mate who is truly worth taking the time to meet while freeing up your time for the other things you need to do in your life?
Yes, Romance and Lifelong Love Is Still Alive and Well
Every day, somewhere in the world, someone proposes to their love. Every day, somewhere in the world, someone who is proposed to says “YES!” True love is alive and well and thriving, really, if you have the eyes to see it all around you. But most of it isn’t happening on your phone. It is happening when two pairs of eyes meet, two mouths curve into a smile of recognition, two sets of arms feel twin shivers as the goosebumps begin….it is that wondrous moment when your heart and their heart recognize each other and say “this is the one for me.” Here at Meet Me Bangkok, we get to see this miracle take place every day. What a great way to live! We want to help you believe in love again. We want you to meet the amazing Asian ladies who are hoping you will show them that real, true love from a sincere, honorable and romantic man is still out there and can happen for them.
A Little Technology Can Add Up to a Lot of Love
Meet Me Bangkok’s founder, Nathamon Madison, founded Meet Me Bangkok because she knows how technology can cause wonderful potential partners to start doubting they will ever find a good partner. Many Western guys especially enjoy meeting Asian and Thai ladies through Meet Me Bangkok because we can vouch for each of our ladies personally. Guys, these lovely gals are the real deal. They are sensitive, sweet, romantic supportive, honest and authentic. They keep themselves healthy and beautiful inside and out – it is just who they are.
For this reason, these wonderful ladies have taken the time out of their lives to come to Meet Me Now Bangkok in hopes of finding a wonderful guy just like you. They have met with us, opened their hearts and shared their dreams of love and romance. Now all they need is to meet YOU to know that love is still alive and can happen for them too!
Give Us a Chance to Help You Find True Love
Here at Meet Me Now Bangkok, we want YOU to meet a wonderful Asian or Thai lady that you can date, laugh with, go on adventures with and enjoy life with. It is simple to begin just by calling us at +66 2 667 0068 or visiting our convenient office located right in the heart of Bangkok. You can also visit our website and fill out our short and convenient Interest Form to get started on your journey to finding lasting love.
We are a matchmaking company that has built an internationally respected reputation for providing the highest quality dating services for Western guys seeking a long-term, committed relationship with a Thai woman as well as Visa Assistance.

Our company, Meet Me Now Asia, will put you in touch with countless single and genuine Thai women who are looking for marriage and for a man who will join them in Thailand.  

We offer the option to meet pre-screened serious women who are looking for real relationship, not to take your money. You can try our customized dating events where you can meet lovely, trustworthy Thai single.

Nathamon Madison is a matchmaker & owner of Meet Me Now Asia, Thailand’s most trusted Introduction & Dating Agency. It’s Nathamon’s vision to help genuine guys find beautiful & trustworthy Asian girls from proven backgrounds. She’s been married to her Western husband for 12 years and has written several books and informational DVDs about romance between Asian women and Western men.

Nathamon can be contacted at:

Book a free Consultation Call with Nathamon.

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Download “The 7 Secrets To Success with any Thai Woman.”

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